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Three Insect Pests In Northeast Florida

Sometimes, in going over our pest control services in the Northeast Florida region, it’s helpful to talk a little bit about the average customer’s motivations, and how people request our services.

You can talk more generally about how we manage these types of pest control and we do – but getting more of a window into how people approach that process can help you think about managing any of these types of insect infestations at your property.


Much of the concern with fire ants (or other ant varieties) has to do with how these insects spread out and attack a living space.

In other words, it’s about those natural characteristics of ant populations – their community building and their proliferation in a certain area.

With some other insects, it’s easier to keep tabs on how many of them there are in your home or business property. But with ants, there’s the threat of a very rapid infestation, with enormous population growth on a very short timeline. And people feel overwhelmed and upset that they can’t control the infiltration of ants into their living areas.

So we’ll often talk to people about this in detail. What do you do to get rid of these ants for good?

Some of it involves time-tested scientific approaches based on research and development. So that’s where the professionals shine!


The deal with flies, simply, is that they’re seen as gross and unsanitary.

That’s a lot of what we talk about with customers who want this type of pest control.

Once again, there’s often an emotional component to it. People feel upset that they can’t get rid of an unsanitary pest that they feel might contaminate various things in their home, or lead to an overall impression of uncleanness. In fact, that’s what house flies have been known for since time immemorial.

But again, there are techniques and ways to get rid of these pests. We can help!


Mosquitoes are, again, a very particular insect pest that people have very specific concerns about!

You don’t have to think too hard about mosquitoes to understand that much of the concern here is around dangerous illness. It’s not just the threat of malaria, which mosquitoes are known for in the third world. There are things like the zika virus and other diseases that can get transmitted through that process of mosquitoes zooming around and sucking human blood.

Regardless of how sensitive people are to mosquitoes or how attractive they are and how much they get bit, mosquitoes are very much an unwanted pest. Specialized techniques involve efforts to get rid of mosquitoes in an entire local area. We can discuss this in more detail with you on the phone or at your property. Ask about how our satisfied customers have been able to rid themselves of these and other major problems at their home – and what a relief it is!

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