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4 Tips For Keeping Your Yard Bug-Free

Keeping a lawn healthy and appealing is far from easy. Homeowners have to invest time and money to avoid problems with their grass. If proper lawn care is one of your top concerns, then you need to be aware of the threat of pests. Ticks, grubs and chinch bugs can do a lot of damage to your lawn, which is why you need to keep them away from your grass. 

Consumers spend millions of dollars annually to keep their lawns pest-free. Ideally, you want to take preventative measures to avoid this problem. Waiting until your lawn is overrun with pests to take action can be frustrating and expensive. 

If you’re trying to keep your yard bug-free, consider the tips below. 

1. Get Rid of Standing Water

When trying to wage war against common lawn pests, you need to realize the importance of removing standing water. Sources of standing water will attract lawn pests like mosquitoes. Identifying sources of standing water will require you to inspect the exterior of your residence. During this inspection, be sure to pay close attention to the condition of your gutters. 

Clogged gutters allow a lot of water to accumulate at the base of your home’s foundation. Getting gutters cleaned a few times a year can help you avoid standing water issues. You also need to keep birdbaths and wheelbarrows around your home empty. 

2. Mow Your Lawn Regularly

Overgrown grass can make the outside of a home an eyesore. Having overgrown grass can also make keeping insects away nearly impossible. Common lawn pests like ants and ticks will use overgrown grass to hide. Instead of allowing overgrown grass to become a cover for insects, you have to cut it regularly. 

If you don’t have the time needed to perform this essential lawn maintenance, you need to seek out some professional help. With the help of professionals, you can keep your lawn looking great all year long. 

3. Don’t Let Leaves Accumulate on Your Lawn

Fall foliage provides a somewhat dull landscape with a blast of color. Some homeowners think that allowing leaves to accumulate on their lawns is a good idea. In reality, making this mistake can make controlling lawn pests difficult. This is why you need to rake leaves and remove them from your lawn routinely. The time and effort invested in removing these leaves will be worth it in the long run. 

4. Working with Professionals is a Must

If you start to notice signs of a lawn pest infestation, you need to take action immediately. Using the chemicals you find at your local hardware store to address this common issue can be disastrous. The best way to ensure lawn pests are removed properly is by working with professionals. The professionals at Pestology have the experience and tools needed to eliminate lawn pests in a hurry. 

As you can see, there are many things you can do to keep your yard bug-free. 

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