4 Weed Control Mistakes You Should Avoid

Keeping curb appeal levels high is usually one of a homeowner’s top priorities. The last thing anyone wants is for their lawn to become the eyesore of the neighborhood. The condition of your lawn is one of the first things people will notice when passing by your residence. 

Homeowners are willing to spend billions of dollars annually to keep their lawns looking great. This money is usually spent hiring landscaping professionals. One of the worst things you can have on your lawn is noticeable weeds. 

Below are some weed control mistakes you need to avoid to keep your lawn looking great. 

1. Accidentally Spreading Seeds

Some homeowners think that all they need to do to rid their lawns of weeds is run over them with a lawn mower. While this might make the weeds in question blend in with the rest of the landscape, this mistake can come back to haunt you. As you mow over the weeds on your lawn, you will inadvertently spread seeds everywhere. 

This will result in the weed problem in question getting much worse. Instead of running over your weeds with a mower, you need to stop them at the root. By working with the team at Pestology, you can get a handle on your weed problem. 

2. Waiting Too Late In the Seasons To Take Action

Procrastination is a problem that the average person deals with. Waiting to address the weeds you discover while mowing is a horrible idea. Once the weeds are visible, they are capable of spreading seeds. When this seed-spreading process occurs, your weed problem will get much worse. 

Ideally, you want to start addressing your weed problem in early spring. This will allow you to get the results you are after by the time colder weather moves into your areas. 

3. Hand Pulling Weeds is Ineffective

Many homeowners get quite a workout trying to remove the weeds in their yard by hand. You will be unable to completely remove the weeds in question. In most cases, the weeds you pull will come back when it rains. 

Instead of breaking your back attempting to pull weeds by hand, you need to pursue more effective methods of weed control. Modern methods of weed control are both safe and effective, which is why they are a great investment for homeowners. 

4. Trying to Get Rid of Weeds Without Professional Help

For the most part, the average homeowner knows very little about lawn care. This lack of knowledge will get in the way of progress when attempting to remove weeds from a residential lawn. Investing in the wrong chemicals can lead to your lawn getting damaged. 

You can avoid these mistakes by finding an experienced professional to help you out. With the right professional guidance, you can rid your lawn of weeds and restore the appeal it has lost. Now that you know more about common weed control mistakes, it is time to take action. By avoiding these mistakes, you can get your lawn back in pristine shape quickly.

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